This page lists MEPs’ membership of European political parties and European parliamentary groups as of October 2020.

  • Membership information on European parties is provided by European parties themselves to the Authority for European Political Parties and European Political Foundations (APPF) and available on the APPF’s website.
  • Membership information on European parliamentary groups is maintained by the European Parliament and available on its website.

For reference:

ALDE = Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe PartyEGP = European Green Party
ECPM = European Christian Political MovementEPP = European People’s Party
ECR = European Conservatives and Reformists PartyID = Identity et Democracy Party
EDP = European Democratic PartyPEL = Party of the European Left
EFA = European Free AlliancePES = Party of European Socialists

Sources are listed at the bottom of this page and all the information below can be found here in Excel format for offline use.

CountryLast nameFirst nameEuropean PartyEuropean Parliamentary GroupMatchNational Political PartyNote
AustriaBERNHUBERAlexanderEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesÖsterreichische Volkspartei
AustriaGAMONClaudiaALDERenew Europe GroupYesNEOS – Das Neue Österreich
AustriaHAIDERRomanIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesFreiheitliche Partei Österreichs
AustriaHEIDEHannesPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs
AustriaKARASOthmarEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesÖsterreichische Volkspartei
AustriaMANDLLukasEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesÖsterreichische Volkspartei
AustriaMAYERGeorgIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesFreiheitliche Partei Österreichs
AustriaREGNEREvelynPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs
AustriaSAGARTZChristianEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesÖsterreichische Volkspartei
AustriaSCHIEDERAndreasPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs
AustriaSCHMIEDTBAUERSimoneEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesÖsterreichische Volkspartei
AustriaSIDLGüntherPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs
AustriaTHALERBarbaraEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesÖsterreichische Volkspartei
AustriaVANAMonikaEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesDie Grünen - Die Grüne Alternative
AustriaVILIMSKYHaraldIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesFreiheitliche Partei Österreichs
AustriaVOLLATHBettinaPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs
AustriaWAITZThomasEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesDie Grünen - Die Grüne Alternative
AustriaWIENERSarahEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesDie Grünen - Die Grüne Alternative
AustriaWINZIGAngelikaEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesÖsterreichische Volkspartei
BelgiumANNEMANSGerolfIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesVlaams Belang
BelgiumARENAMariaPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesParti Socialiste
BelgiumARIMONTPascalEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesChristlich Soziale Partei
BelgiumBOURGEOISGeertEFAEuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupNoNieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie
BelgiumKANKOAssitaEFAEuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupNoNieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie
BelgiumBRICMONTSaskiaEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesEcologistes Confédérés pour l'Organisation de Luttes Originales
BelgiumCHASTELOlivierALDERenew Europe GroupYesMouvement Réformateur
BelgiumDE MANFilipIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesVlaams Belang
BelgiumFRANSSENCindyEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesChristen-Democratisch & Vlaams
BelgiumVAN OVERTVELDTJohanEFAEuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupNoNieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie
BelgiumLAMBERTSPhilippeEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesEcologistes Confédérés pour l'Organisation de Luttes Originales
BelgiumLUTGENBenoîtEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesCentre Démocrate Humaniste
BelgiumMATTHIEUSaraEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesGroen
BelgiumPEETERSKrisEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesChristen-Democratisch & Vlaams
BelgiumRIESFrédériqueALDERenew Europe GroupYesMouvement Réformateur
BelgiumTARABELLAMarcPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesParti Socialiste
BelgiumVAN BREMPTKathleenPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSocialistische Partij.Anders
RomaniaTERHEŞCristianPESEuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupNoPartidul Național Țărănesc Creștin Democrat
BelgiumVANDENDRIESSCHETomIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesVlaams Belang
BelgiumVAUTMANSHildeALDERenew Europe GroupYesOpen Vlaamse Liberalen en Democraten
BelgiumVERHOFSTADTGuyALDERenew Europe GroupYesOpen Vlaamse Liberalen en Democraten
BulgariaADEMOVAsimEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesCitizens for European Development of Bulgaria
BulgariaALEXANDROV YORDANOVAlexanderEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesUnion of Democratic Forces
BulgariaALIEVA-VELIAtidzheALDERenew Europe GroupYesMovement for Rights and Freedoms
BulgariaDZHAMBAZKIAngelECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesVMRO
BulgariaHRISTOVIvoPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesBulgarian Socialist Party
BulgariaKANEVRadanEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesDemocrats for Strong Bulgaria
BulgariaKOVATCHEVAndreyEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesCitizens for European Development of Bulgaria
BulgariaKYUCHYUKIlhanALDERenew Europe GroupYesMovement for Rights and Freedoms
BulgariaMAYDELLEvaEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesCitizens for European Development of Bulgaria
BulgariaMIHAYLOVAIskraALDERenew Europe GroupYesMovement for Rights and Freedoms
BulgariaNOVAKOVAndreyEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesCitizens for European Development of Bulgaria
BulgariaPENKOVATsvetelinaPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesBulgarian Socialist Party
BulgariaRADEVEmilEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesCitizens for European Development of Bulgaria
BulgariaSLABAKOVAndreyECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesVMRO
BulgariaSTANISHEVSergeiPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesBulgarian Socialist Party
BulgariaVITANOVPetarPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesBulgarian Socialist Party
BulgariaYONCHEVAElenaPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesBulgarian Socialist Party
CroatiaBORZANBiljanaPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSocijaldemokratska partija Hrvatske
CroatiaFLEGOValterALDERenew Europe GroupYesIstarski demokratski sabor - Dieta democratica istriana
CroatiaGLAVAKSunčanaEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesHrvatska demokratska zajednica
CroatiaJERKOVIĆRomanaPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSocijaldemokratska partija Hrvatske
CroatiaKOLAKUŠIĆMislavNon-attached MembersNon-attached-
CroatiaMATIĆPredrag FredPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSocijaldemokratska partija Hrvatske
CroatiaPICULAToninoPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSocijaldemokratska partija Hrvatske
CroatiaRESSLERKarloEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesHrvatska demokratska zajednica
CroatiaSINČIĆIvan ViliborNon-attached MembersNon-attachedŽivi Zid
CroatiaSOKOLTomislavEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesHrvatska demokratska zajednica
CroatiaTOMAŠIĆRužaECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesHrvatska konzervativna stranka
CroatiaZOVKOŽeljanaEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesHrvatska demokratska zajednica
CyprusCHRISTOFOROULefterisEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesDemocratic Rally
CyprusFOURLASLoucasEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesDemocratic Rally
CyprusGEORGIOUGiorgosPELGroup of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftYesProgressive Party of Working People - Left - New Forces
CyprusKIZILYÜREKNiyaziPELGroup of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftYesProgressive Party of Working People - Left - New Forces
CyprusMAVRIDESCostasPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesDemocratic Party
CyprusPAPADAKISDemetrisPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesMovement for Social Democracy EDEK
CzechiaBLAŠKOHynekIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesSvoboda a přímá demokracie
CzechiaCHARANZOVÁDitaALDERenew Europe GroupYesANO 2011
CzechiaDAVIDIvanIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesSvoboda a přímá demokracie
CzechiaDLABAJOVÁMartinaALDERenew Europe GroupYesANO 2011
CzechiaGREGOROVÁMarkétaGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceNo party memb.PIRÁTIPirate
CzechiaHLAVÁČEKMartinALDERenew Europe GroupYesANO 2011
CzechiaKNOTEKOndřejALDERenew Europe GroupYesANO 2011
CzechiaKOLAJAMarcelGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceNo party memb.PIRÁTIPirate
CzechiaKONEČNÁKateřinaPELGroup of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftYesKomunistická strana Čech a Moravy
CzechiaKOVAŘÍKOndřejALDERenew Europe GroupYesANO 2011
CzechiaMAXOVÁRadkaALDERenew Europe GroupYesANO 2011
CzechiaNIEDERMAYERLuděkEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesTOP 09 a Starostové
CzechiaPEKSAMikulášGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceNo party memb.PIRÁTIPirate
CzechiaPOLČÁKStanislavEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesStarostové a nezávisli
CzechiaPOSPÍŠILJiříEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesTOP 09 a Starostové
CzechiaŠOJDROVÁMichaelaEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesKřesťanská a demokratická unie - Československá strana lidová
CzechiaTOŠENOVSKÝEvženECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesObčanská demokratická strana
CzechiaVONDRAAlexandrECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesObčanská demokratická strana
CzechiaVRECIONOVÁVeronikaECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesObčanská demokratická strana
CzechiaZAHRADILJanECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesObčanská demokratická strana
CzechiaZDECHOVSKÝTomášEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesKřesťanská a demokratická unie - Československá strana lidová
DenmarkAUKENMargreteEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesSocialistisk Folkeparti
DenmarkCHRISTENSENAsgerALDERenew Europe GroupYesVenstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti
DenmarkFUGLSANGNielsPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSocialdemokratiet
DenmarkGADESørenALDERenew Europe GroupYesVenstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti
Netherlandsvan DALENPeterECPMGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)NoChristenUnie
DenmarkLØKKEGAARDMortenALDERenew Europe GroupYesVenstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti
DenmarkMELCHIORKarenALDERenew Europe GroupYesDet Radikale Venstre
DenmarkPETER-HANSENKira MarieEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesSocialistisk Folkeparti
DenmarkPETERSENMortenALDERenew Europe GroupYesDet Radikale Venstre
DenmarkSCHALDEMOSEChristelPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSocialdemokratiet
SpainBARRENA ARZAPernandoEFAGroup of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftNoEH BILDU
DenmarkVILLUMSENNikolajPELGroup of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftYesEnhedslisten
DenmarkVINDMariannePESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSocialdemokratiet
DenmarkWEISSPernilleEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesDet Konservative Folkeparti
EstoniaANSIPAndrusALDERenew Europe GroupYesEesti Reformierakond
EstoniaKALJURANDMarinaPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond
EstoniaMADISONJaakIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesEesti Konservatiivne Rahvaerakond
EstoniaMIKSERSvenPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond
EstoniaPAETUrmasALDERenew Europe GroupYesEesti Reformierakond
EstoniaTERRASRihoEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesIsamaa
EstoniaTOOMYanaALDERenew Europe GroupYesEesti Keskerakond
FinlandALAMETSÄAlviinaEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesVihreä liitto
PolandSPUREKSylwiaPESGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceNoIndependent
FinlandHAUTALAHeidiEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesVihreä liitto
FinlandHEINÄLUOMAEeroPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSuomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue/Finlands Socialdemokratiska Parti
RomaniaCREȚUCorinaPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPRO Romania
FinlandKATAINENElsiALDERenew Europe GroupYesSuomen Keskusta
FinlandKUMPULA-NATRIMiapetraPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSuomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue/Finlands Socialdemokratiska Parti
FinlandMODIGSilviaPELGroup of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftYesVasemmistoliitto
FinlandNIINISTÖVilleEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesVihreä liitto
FinlandPEKKARINENMauriALDERenew Europe GroupYesSuomen Keskusta
FinlandPIETIKÄINENSirpaEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesKansallinen Kokoomus
FinlandSARVAMAAPetriEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesKansallinen Kokoomus
FinlandTORVALDSNilsALDERenew Europe GroupYesSvenska folkpartiet
FinlandVIRKKUNENHennaEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesKansallinen Kokoomus
FranceALFONSIFrançoisEFAGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesRégions et Peuples Solidaires
FranceANDRIEUEricPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesParti socialiste
FranceANDROUËTMathildeIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesRassemblement national
FranceAUBRYManonPELGroup of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftYesLa France Insoumise
FranceBARDELLAJordanIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesRassemblement national
FranceBAYNicolasIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesRassemblement national
FranceBEIGNEUXAureliaIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesRassemblement national
FranceBELLAMYFrançois-XavierEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesLes Républicains
GermanyBUSCHMANNMartinPELNon-attached MembersNoIndependent
FranceBILDEDominiqueIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesRassemblement national
FranceBITEAUBenoîtEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesEurope Écologie
FranceBOMPARDManuelPELGroup of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftYesLa France Insoumise
GreeceFRAGKOSEmmanouilEuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupNo party memb.Elliniki Lusi-Greek Solution
FranceBRUNAAnnikaIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesRassemblement national
FranceBRUNETSylvieEDPRenew Europe GroupYesMouvement Démocrate
ItalyBERLATOSergioEuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupNo party memb.Fratelli d'Italia
FranceCARÊMEDamienEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesEurope Écologie
FranceCHABAUDCatherineEDPRenew Europe GroupYesMouvement Démocrate
FranceCHAIBILeilaPELGroup of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftYesLa France Insoumise
PolandTARCZYŃSKIDominikEuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupNo party memb.Prawo i Sprawiedliwość
FranceCOLIN-OESTERLÉNathalieEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesLes centristes
FranceCOLLARDGilbertIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesRassemblement national
FranceCORMANDDavidEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesEurope Écologie
FranceDANJEANArnaudEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesLes Républicains
SpainDE LA PISA CARRIÓNMargaritaEuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupNo party memb.VOX
FranceDELBOS-CORFIELDGwendolineEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesEurope Écologie
FranceDELLIKarimaEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesEurope Écologie
FranceDIDIERGeoffroyEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesLes Républicains
SwedenLUNDGRENPeterEuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupNo party memb.Sverigedemokraterna
FranceEVRENAgnèsEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesLes Républicains
FranceFARRENGLaurenceEDPRenew Europe GroupYesMouvement Démocrate
FranceGARRAUDJean-PaulIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesRassemblement national
FranceGLUCKSMANNRaphaëlPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPlace publique
PolandOCHOJSKAJaninaGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)No party memb.Independent
FranceGRISETCatherineIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesRassemblement national
FranceGRUDLERChristopheEDPRenew Europe GroupYesMouvement Démocrate
BelgiumBOTENGAMarcGroup of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftNo party memb.Parti du Travail de Belgique
IrelandDALYClareGroup of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftNo party memb.Independents for change
FranceGUILLAUMESylviePESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesParti socialiste
IrelandFLANAGANLuke MingGroup of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftNo party memb.Independent
FranceHORTEFEUXBriceEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesLes Républicains
FranceJADOTYannickEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesEurope Écologie
FranceJALKHJean-FrançoisIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesRassemblement national
FranceJAMETFranceIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesRassemblement national
FranceJORONVirginieIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesRassemblement national
FranceJUVINHerveIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesRassemblement national
IrelandMACMANUSChrisGroup of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftNo party memb.Sinn Féin
IrelandWALLACEMickGroup of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftNo party memb.Independents for change
FranceLACAPELLEJean-LinIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesRassemblement national
FranceLALUCQAurorePESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPlace publique
FranceLAPORTEHélèneIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesRassemblement national
FranceLARROUTUROUPierrePESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesNouvelle Donne
FranceLEBRETONGillesIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesRassemblement national
FranceLECHANTEUXJulieIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesRassemblement national
NetherlandsHAZEKAMPAnjaGroup of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftNo party memb.Partij voor de Dieren
FranceMARIANIThierryIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesRassemblement national
FranceMAURELEmmanuelPELGroup of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftYesGauche républicaine et socialiste
FranceMEBAREKNoraPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesParti socialiste
FranceMÉLINJoëlleIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesRassemblement national
FranceMORANONadineEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesLes Républicains
FranceOLIVIERPhilippeIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesRassemblement national
FranceOMARJEEYounousPELGroup of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftYesLa France Insoumise
FrancePELLETIERAnne-SophiePELGroup of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftYesLa France Insoumise
FrancePIRBAKASMaxetteIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesRassemblement national
FranceRIQUETDominiqueALDERenew Europe GroupYesMouvement Radical Social-Libéral
FranceRIVASIMichèleEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesEurope Écologie
FranceRIVIÈREJérômeIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesRassemblement national
FranceROOSECarolineEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesAlliance Écologiste Indépendante
FranceROUGÉAndréIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesRassemblement national
FranceSANDERAnneEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesLes Républicains
FranceSATOURIMounirEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesEurope Écologie
PortugalFERREIRAJoãoGroup of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftNo party memb.Partido Comunista Português
PortugalPEREIRASandraGroup of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftNo party memb.Partido Comunista Português
FranceTOUSSAINTMarieEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesEurope Écologie
SwedenBJÖRKMalinGroup of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftNo party memb.Vänsterpartiet
FranceVEDRENNEMarie-PierreEDPRenew Europe GroupYesMouvement Démocrate
FranceYENBOUSalimaEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesEurope Écologie
FranceGRUFFATClaudeGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceNo party memb.Europe Écologie
GermanySEMSROTTNicoGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceNo party memb.Die PARTEI
LithuaniaJAKELIŪNASStasysGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceNo party memb.Independent
GermanyANDRESENRasmusEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesBündnis 90/Die Grünen
GermanyBARLEYKatarinaPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands
ItalyCHINNICICaterinaGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentNo party memb.Partito Democratico
GermanyBEERNicolaALDERenew Europe GroupYesFreie Demokratische Partei
GermanyBENTELEHildegardEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesChristlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands
ItalyPISAPIAGiulianoGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentNo party memb.Independent
GermanyBERGERStefanEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesChristlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands
GermanyBISCHOFFGabrielePESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands
GermanyBLOSSMichaelEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesBündnis 90/Die Grünen
GermanyBOESELAGERDamianGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceNo party memb.VoltVolt
GermanyBREYERPatrickGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceNo party memb.Piratenpartei DeutschlandPirate
LatviaAMERIKSAndrisGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentNo party memb.Gods kalpot Rīgai
GermanyBULLMANNUdoPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands
GermanyBURKHARDTDelaraPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands
PolandBELKAMarekGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentNo party memb.Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej
GermanyBÜTIKOFERReinhardEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesBündnis 90/Die Grünen
GermanyCASPARYDanielEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesChristlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands
GermanyCAVAZZINIAnnaEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesBündnis 90/Die Grünen
GermanyDEMIRELÖzlemPELGroup of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftYesDIE LINKE.
GermanyDEPARNAY-GRUNENBERGAnnaEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesBündnis 90/Die Grünen
GermanyDOLESCHALChristianEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesChristlich-Soziale Union in Bayern e.V.
GermanyDÜPONTLenaEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesChristlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands
GermanyEHLERChristianEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesChristlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands
GermanyERNSTCorneliaPELGroup of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftYesDIE LINKE.
GermanyEROGLUEnginEDPRenew Europe GroupYesFreie Wähler
GermanyERTUGIsmailPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands
GermanyFERBERMarkusEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesChristlich-Soziale Union in Bayern e.V.
SlovakiaHAJŠELRobertGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentNo party memb.Independent
GermanyFRANZRomeoEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesBündnis 90/Die Grünen
GermanyFREUNDDanielEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesBündnis 90/Die Grünen
GermanyGAHLERMichaelEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesChristlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands
GermanyGEBHARDTEvelynePESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands
GermanyGEESEAlexandraEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesBündnis 90/Die Grünen
GermanyGEIERJensPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands
GermanyGEUKINGHelmutECPMEuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesFamilien-Partei Deutschlands
GermanyGIEGOLDSvenEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesBündnis 90/Die Grünen
GermanyGIESEKEJensEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesChristlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands
GermanyGLÜCKAndreasALDERenew Europe GroupYesFreie Demokratische Partei
GermanyHAHNSvenjaALDERenew Europe GroupYesFreie Demokratische Partei
GermanyHAHNHenrikeEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesBündnis 90/Die Grünen
GermanyHÄUSLINGMartinEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesBündnis 90/Die Grünen
GermanyHERBSTNiclasEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesChristlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands
GermanyHERZBERGER-FOFANAPierretteEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesBündnis 90/Die Grünen
GermanyHOHLMEIERMonikaEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesChristlich-Soziale Union in Bayern e.V.
GermanyJAHRPeterEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesChristlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands
GermanyKAMMEREVERTPetraPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands
GermanyKELLERSkaEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesBündnis 90/Die Grünen
GermanyKÖRNERMoritzALDERenew Europe GroupYesFreie Demokratische Partei
GermanyKÖSTERDietmarPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands
DenmarkKOFODPeterIdentity and Democracy GroupNo party memb.Dansk Folkeparti
GermanyKREHLConstanzePESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands
FinlandHAKKARAINENTeuvoIdentity and Democracy GroupNo party memb.Perussuomalaiset
GermanyLAGODINSKYSergeyEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesBündnis 90/Die Grünen
GermanyLANGEBerndPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands
GermanyLANGENSIEPENKatrinEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesBündnis 90/Die Grünen
GermanyLIESEPeterEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesChristlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands
FinlandHUHTASAARILauraIdentity and Democracy GroupNo party memb.Perussuomalaiset
GermanyLINSNorbertEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesChristlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands
GermanyMARQUARDTErikEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesBündnis 90/Die Grünen
GermanyMcALLISTERDavidEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesChristlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands
GermanyANDERSONChristineIdentity and Democracy GroupNo party memb.Alternative für Deutschland
GermanyMICHELSMartinaPELGroup of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftYesDIE LINKE.
GermanyMORTLERMarleneEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesChristlich-Soziale Union in Bayern e.V.
GermanyMÜLLERUlrikeEDPRenew Europe GroupYesFreie Wähler
GermanyNEUMANNHannahEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesBündnis 90/Die Grünen
GermanyNEUSERNorbertPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands
GermanyNIEBLERAngelikaEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesChristlich-Soziale Union in Bayern e.V.
GermanyNIENASSNiklasEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesBündnis 90/Die Grünen
GermanyNOICHLMariaPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands
GermanyOETJENJan-ChristophALDERenew Europe GroupYesFreie Demokratische Partei
GermanyPAULUSJuttaEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesBündnis 90/Die Grünen
GermanyPIEPERMarkusEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesChristlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands
GermanyRADTKEDennisEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesChristlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands
GermanyBECKGunnarIdentity and Democracy GroupNo party memb.Alternative für Deutschland
GermanyREINTKETerryEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesBündnis 90/Die Grünen
GermanyRIPAManuelaEFAGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesÖkologisch-Demokratische Partei
GermanySCHIRDEWANMartinPELGroup of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftYesDIE LINKE.
GermanySCHNEIDERChristineEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesChristlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands
GermanySCHOLZHelmutPELGroup of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftYesDIE LINKE.
GermanySCHULZESvenEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesChristlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands
GermanySCHUSTERJoachimPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands
GermanySCHWABAndreasEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesChristlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands
GermanySEEKATZRalfEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesChristlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands
GermanyBERGLars PatrickIdentity and Democracy GroupNo party memb.Alternative für Deutschland
GermanySIMONSvenEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesChristlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands
GermanySIPPELBirgitPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands
GermanySONNEBORNMartinNon-attached MembersNon-attachedDie PARTEI
GermanyVERHEYENSabineEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesChristlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands
GermanyVON CRAMON-TAUBADELViolaEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesBündnis 90/Die Grünen
GermanyVOSSAxelEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesChristlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands
GermanyWALSMANNMarionEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesChristlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands
GermanyWEBERManfredEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesChristlich-Soziale Union in Bayern e.V.
GermanyWIELANDRainerEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesChristlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands
GermanyWÖLKENTiemoPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands
GermanyBUCHHEITMarkusIdentity and Democracy GroupNo party memb.Alternative für Deutschland
GreeceANDROULAKISNikosPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPASOK-KINAL
GreeceARVANITISKonstantinosPELGroup of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftYesCoalition of the Radical Left
GreeceASIMAKOPOULOUAnna-MichelleEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesNea Demokratia
GermanyFESTNicolausIdentity and Democracy GroupNo party memb.Alternative für Deutschland
GreeceGEORGOULISAlexisPELGroup of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftYesCoalition of the Radical Left
GreeceKAILIEvaPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPanhellenic Socialist Movement - Olive Tree
GreeceKEFALOGIANNISManolisEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesNea Demokratia
GreeceKOKKALISPetrosPELGroup of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftYesCoalition of the Radical Left
GreeceKONSTANTINOUAthanasiosNon-attached MembersNon-attachedIndependent
GreeceKOULOGLOUSteliosPELGroup of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftYesCoalition of the Radical Left
GreeceKOUNTOURAElenaPELGroup of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftYesCoalition of the Radical Left
GreeceKYMPOUROPOULOSSteliosEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesNea Demokratia
GreeceKYRTSOSGeorgiosEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesNea Demokratia
GreeceLAGOSIoannisNon-attached MembersNon-attachedIndependent
GreeceMEIMARAKISVangelisEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesNea Demokratia
GreeceNIKOLAOU-ALAVANOSLefterisNon-attached MembersNon-attachedCommunist Party of Greece
GreecePAPADAKISKostasNon-attached MembersNon-attachedCommunist Party of Greece
GreecePAPADIMOULISDimitriosPELGroup of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftYesCoalition of the Radical Left
GreeceSPYRAKIMariaEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesNea Demokratia
GreeceVOZEMBERG-VRIONIDIElissavetEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesNea Demokratia
GreeceZAGORAKISTheodorosEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesNea Demokratia
HungaryARA-KOVÁCSAttilaPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesDemokratikus Koalíció
HungaryBOCSKORAndreaEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesFidesz-Magyar Polgári Szövetség-Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt
HungaryCSEHKatalinALDERenew Europe GroupYesMomentum
HungaryDELIAndorEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesFidesz-Magyar Polgári Szövetség-Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt
HungaryDEUTSCHTamásEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesFidesz-Magyar Polgári Szövetség-Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt
HungaryDOBREVKláraPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesDemokratikus Koalíció
HungaryDONÁTHAnna JúliaALDERenew Europe GroupYesMomentum
HungaryGÁLKingaEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesFidesz-Magyar Polgári Szövetség-Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt
HungaryGYÖNGYÖSIMártonNon-attached MembersNon-attachedJobbik Magyarországért Mozgalom
HungaryGYŐRIEnikőEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesFidesz-Magyar Polgári Szövetség-Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt
HungaryGYÜRKAndrásEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesFidesz-Magyar Polgári Szövetség-Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt
HungaryHIDVÉGHIBalázsEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesFidesz-Magyar Polgári Szövetség-Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt
HungaryHÖLVÉNYIGyörgyEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesKereszténydemokrata Néppárt
HungaryJÁRÓKALíviaEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesFidesz-Magyar Polgári Szövetség-Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt
HungaryKÓSAÁdámEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesFidesz-Magyar Polgári Szövetség-Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt
HungaryMOLNÁRCsabaPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesDemokratikus Koalíció
HungaryRÓNAISándorPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesDemokratikus Koalíció
HungarySZÁJERJózsefEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesFidesz-Magyar Polgári Szövetség-Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt
HungaryTÓTHEdinaEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesFidesz-Magyar Polgári Szövetség-Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt
HungaryTRÓCSÁNYILászlóEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesFidesz-Magyar Polgári Szövetség-Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt
HungaryUJHELYIIstvánPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesMagyar Szocialista Párt
GermanyKRAHMaximilianIdentity and Democracy GroupNo party memb.Alternative für Deutschland
IrelandCLUNEDeirdreEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesFine Gael Party
IrelandCUFFECiaránEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesGreen Party
GermanyKUHSJoachimIdentity and Democracy GroupNo party memb.Alternative für Deutschland
IrelandFITZGERALDFrancesEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesFine Gael Party
GermanyLIMMERSylviaIdentity and Democracy GroupNo party memb.Alternative für Deutschland
IrelandKELLEHERBillyALDERenew Europe GroupYesFianna Fáil Party
IrelandKELLYSeánEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesFine Gael Party
GermanyMEUTHENJörgIdentity and Democracy GroupNo party memb.Alternative für Deutschland
IrelandO'SULLIVANGraceEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesGreen Party
GermanyREILGuidoIdentity and Democracy GroupNo party memb.Alternative für Deutschland
IrelandWALSHMariaEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesFine Gael Party
ItalyADINOLFIIsabellaNon-attached MembersNon-attachedMovimento 5 Stelle
ItalyADINOLFIMatteoIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesLega
ItalyBALDASSARRESimonaIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesLega
ItalyBARTOLOPietroPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartito Democratico
ItalyBASSOAlessandraIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesLega
ItalyBEGHINTizianaNon-attached MembersNon-attachedMovimento 5 Stelle
ItalyBENIFEIBrandoPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartito Democratico
GermanyZIMNIOKBernhardIdentity and Democracy GroupNo party memb.Alternative für Deutschland
ItalyBERLUSCONISilvioEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesForza Italia
ItalyBIZZOTTOMaraIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesLega
ItalyBONAFÈSimonaPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartito Democratico
ItalyBONFRISCOAnnaIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesLega
ItalyBORCHIAPaoloIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesLega
ItalyCALENDACarloPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesAzione
ItalyCAMPOMENOSIMarcoIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesLega
ItalyCAROPPOAndreaNon-attached MembersNon-attachedLega
ItalyCASANOVAMassimoIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesLega
ItalyCASTALDOFabio MassimoNon-attached MembersNon-attachedMovimento 5 Stelle
ItalyCECCARDISusannaIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesLega
Netherlandsde GRAAFFMarcelIdentity and Democracy GroupNo party memb.Partij voor de Vrijheid
ItalyCIOCCAAngeloIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesLega
ItalyCONTERosannaIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesLega
ItalyCORRAOIgnazioNon-attached MembersNon-attachedMovimento 5 Stelle
ItalyCOZZOLINOAndreaPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartito Democratico
ItalyD'AMATORosaNon-attached MembersNon-attachedMovimento 5 Stelle
ItalyDA REGianantonioIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesLega
DenmarkSØGAARD-LIDELLLineaRenew Europe GroupNo party memb.Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti
ItalyDE CASTROPaoloPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartito Democratico
ItalyDE MEOSalvatoreEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesForza Italia
ItalyDONATOFrancescaIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesLega
ItalyDORFMANNHerbertEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesSüdtiroler Volkspartei
ItalyDREOSTOMarcoIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesLega
ItalyEVIEleonoraNon-attached MembersNon-attachedMovimento 5 Stelle
ItalyFERRANDINOGiuseppePESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartito Democratico
ItalyFERRARALauraNon-attached MembersNon-attachedMovimento 5 Stelle
ItalyFIDANZACarloECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesFratelli d'Italia
ItalyFIOCCHIPietroECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesFratelli d'Italia
ItalyFITTORaffaeleECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesFratelli d'Italia
ItalyFUROREMarioNon-attached MembersNon-attachedMovimento 5 Stelle
ItalyGANCIAGiannaIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesLega
ItalyGEMMAChiaraNon-attached MembersNon-attachedMovimento 5 Stelle
ItalyGIARRUSSODinoNon-attached MembersNon-attachedMovimento 5 Stelle
ItalyGRANTValentinoIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesLega
ItalyGUALMINIElisabettaPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartito Democratico
ItalyLANCINIDanilo OscarIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesLega
ItalyLIZZIElenaIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesLega
ItalyMAJORINOPierfrancescoPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartito Democratico
ItalyMARTUSCIELLOFulvioEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesForza Italia
ItalyMILAZZOGiuseppeEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesForza Italia
ItalyMORETTIAlessandraPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartito Democratico
ItalyPANZAAlessandroIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesLega
ItalyPATRICIELLOAldoEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesForza Italia
ItalyPEDICINIPiernicolaNon-attached MembersNon-attachedMovimento 5 Stelle
ItalyPICIERNOPinaPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartito Democratico
ItalyPIGNEDOLISabrinaNon-attached MembersNon-attachedMovimento 5 Stelle
FranceBIJOUXStéphaneRenew Europe GroupNo party memb.La République en marche
ItalyPROCACCININicolaECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesFratelli d'Italia
ItalyREGIMENTILuisaIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesLega
ItalyRINALDIAntonio MariaIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesLega
ItalyROBERTIFrancoPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartito Democratico
ItalyRONDINELLIDanielaNon-attached MembersNon-attachedMovimento 5 Stelle
ItalySALINIMassimilianoEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesForza Italia
ItalySARDONESilviaIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesLega
ItalySASSOLIDavid MariaPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartito Democratico
ItalySMERIGLIOMassimilianoPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartito Democratico
ItalySOFOVincenzoIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesLega
ItalySTANCANELLIRaffaeleECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesFratelli d'Italia
ItalyTAJANIAntonioEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesForza Italia
ItalyTARDINOAnnalisaIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesLega
ItalyTINAGLIIrenePESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartito Democratico
ItalyTOIAPatriziaPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartito Democratico
ItalyTOVAGLIERIIsabellaIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesLega
ItalyVUOLOLuciaIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesLega
ItalyZAMBELLIStefaniaIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesLega
ItalyZANNIMarcoIDIdentity and Democracy GroupYesLega
ItalyZULLOMarcoNon-attached MembersNon-attachedMovimento 5 Stelle
FranceBOYERGillesRenew Europe GroupNo party memb.Indépendant
LatviaIJABSIvarsALDERenew Europe GroupYesAttīstībai/Par!
LatviaKALNIETESandraEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPartija "VIENOTĪBA"
LatviaMELBĀRDEDaceECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesNacionālā apvienība "Visu Latvijai!"-"Tēvzemei un Brīvībai/LNNK"
LatviaUŠAKOVSNilsPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYes"Saskaņa" sociāldemokrātiskā partija
LatviaVAIDEREIneseEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPartija "VIENOTĪBA"
LatviaŽDANOKATatjanaEFAGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesLatvijas Krievu savienība
LatviaZĪLERobertsECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesNacionālā apvienība "Visu Latvijai!"-"Tēvzemei un Brīvībai/LNNK"
LithuaniaAUŠTREVIČIUSPetrasALDERenew Europe GroupYesLietuvos Respublikos liberalų sąjūdis
LithuaniaBLINKEVIČIŪTĖVilijaPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesLietuvos socialdemokratų partija
FranceCANFINPascalRenew Europe GroupNo party memb.Liste Renaissance
LithuaniaJUKNEVIČIENĖRasaEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesTėvynės sąjunga-Lietuvos krikščionys demokratai
LithuaniaKUBILIUSAndriusEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesTėvynės sąjunga-Lietuvos krikščionys demokratai
LithuaniaMALDEIKIENĖAušraEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesIndependent
LithuaniaMAŽYLISLiudasEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesTėvynės sąjunga-Lietuvos krikščionys demokratai
LithuaniaOLEKASJuozasPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesLietuvos socialdemokratų partija
LithuaniaROPĖBronisEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesLietuvos valstiečių ir žaliųjų sąjunga
LithuaniaTOMAŠEVSKIValdemarECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesLietuvos lenkų rinkimų akcija – Krikščioniškų šeimų sąjunga
LithuaniaUSPASKICHViktorALDERenew Europe GroupYesDarbo partija
LuxembourgANGELMarcPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesParti ouvrier socialiste luxembourgeois
LuxembourgGOERENSCharlesALDERenew Europe GroupYesParti démocratique
LuxembourgHANSENChristopheEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesParti chrétien social luxembourgeois
LuxembourgMETZTillyEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesDéi Gréng - Les Verts
LuxembourgSEMEDOMonicaALDERenew Europe GroupYesParti démocratique
LuxembourgWISELER-LIMAIsabelEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesParti chrétien social luxembourgeois
MaltaAGIUS SALIBAAlexPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartit Laburista
MaltaCASADavidEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPartit Nazzjonalista
MaltaCUTAJARJosiannePESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartit Laburista
MaltaMETSOLARobertaEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPartit Nazzjonalista
MaltaSANTAlfredPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartit Laburista
NetherlandsAZMANIMalikALDERenew Europe GroupYesVolkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie
NetherlandsBERENDSENTomEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesChristen Democratisch Appèl
NetherlandsCHAHIMMohammedPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartij van de Arbeid
FranceCICURELIlanaRenew Europe GroupNo party memb.Liste Renaissance
Netherlandsde LANGEEstherEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesChristen Democratisch Appèl
NetherlandsEICKHOUTBasEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesGroenLinks
NetherlandsEPPINKDerk JanECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesForum voor Democratie
FranceDECERLEJérémyRenew Europe GroupNo party memb.Liste Renaissance
FranceDURANDPascalRenew Europe GroupNo party memb.Liste Renaissance
NetherlandsHUITEMAJanALDERenew Europe GroupYesVolkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie
Netherlandsin 't VELDSophiaALDERenew Europe GroupYesDemocraten 66
NetherlandsJONGERIUSAgnesPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartij van de Arbeid
NetherlandsLENAERSJeroenEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesChristen Democratisch Appèl
NetherlandsMANDERSAntoniusEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesChristen Democratisch Appèl
NetherlandsNAGTEGAALCarolineALDERenew Europe GroupYesVolkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie
NetherlandsPIRIKatiPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartij van de Arbeid
NetherlandsRAFAELASamiraALDERenew Europe GroupYesDemocraten 66
NetherlandsROOKENRobECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesForum voor Democratie
NetherlandsROOKMAKERDorienNon-attached MembersNon-attachedIndependent
NetherlandsROOSRobertECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesForum voor Democratie
NetherlandsRUISSENBert-JanECPMEuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesStaatkundig Gereformeerde Partij
NetherlandsSCHREIJER-PIERIKAnnieEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesChristen Democratisch Appèl
NetherlandsSCHREINEMACHERLiesjeALDERenew Europe GroupYesVolkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie
NetherlandsSTRIKTinekeEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesGroenLinks
NetherlandsTANGPaulPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartij van de Arbeid
NetherlandsTAXVeraPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartij van de Arbeid
FranceGOZISandroRenew Europe GroupNo party memb.Liste Renaissance
NetherlandsVAN SPARRENTAKKimEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesGroenLinks
NetherlandsWOLTERSLaraPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartij van de Arbeid
PolandADAMOWICZMagdalenaEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesIndependent
PolandARŁUKOWICZBartoszEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPlatforma Obywatelska
PolandBALTMarek PawełPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej
FranceGUETTABernardRenew Europe GroupNo party memb.Liste Renaissance
PolandBIEDROŃRobertPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesWiosna
PolandBIELANAdamECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesPrawo i Sprawiedliwość
PolandBRUDZIŃSKIJoachim StanisławECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesPrawo i Sprawiedliwość
PolandBUZEKJerzyEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPlatforma Obywatelska
PolandCIMOSZEWICZWłodzimierzPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej - Unia Pracy
PolandCZARNECKIRyszardECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesPrawo i Sprawiedliwość
PolandDUDAJarosławEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPlatforma Obywatelska
PolandFOTYGAAnnaECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesPrawo i Sprawiedliwość
PolandFRANKOWSKITomaszEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPlatforma Obywatelska
PolandHALICKIAndrzejEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPlatforma Obywatelska
PolandHETMANKrzysztofEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPolskie Stronnictwo Ludowe
PolandHÜBNERDanuta MariaEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPlatforma Obywatelska
PolandJAKIPatrykECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesSolidarna Polska Zbigniewa Ziobro
PolandJARUBASAdamEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPolskie Stronnictwo Ludowe
PolandJURGIELKrzysztofECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesPrawo i Sprawiedliwość
PolandKALINOWSKIJarosławEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPolskie Stronnictwo Ludowe
PolandKARSKIKarolECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesPrawo i Sprawiedliwość
PolandKEMPABeataECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesSolidarna Polska Zbigniewa Ziobro
PolandKLOCIzabela-HelenaECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesPrawo i Sprawiedliwość
PolandKOHUTŁukaszPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesWiosna
PolandKOPACZEwaEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPlatforma Obywatelska
PolandKOPCIŃSKAJoannaECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesPrawo i Sprawiedliwość
PolandKRASNODĘBSKIZdzisławECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesPrawo i Sprawiedliwość
PolandKRUKElżbietaECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesPrawo i Sprawiedliwość
PolandKUŹMIUKZbigniewECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesPrawo i Sprawiedliwość
PolandLEGUTKORyszard AntoniECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesPrawo i Sprawiedliwość
PolandLEWANDOWSKIJanuszEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPlatforma Obywatelska
PolandLIBERADZKIBogusławPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej
PolandŁUKACIJEWSKAElżbieta KatarzynaEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPlatforma Obywatelska
PolandMAZUREKBeataECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesPrawo i Sprawiedliwość
PolandMILLERLeszekPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej
PolandMOŻDŻANOWSKAAndżelika AnnaECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesPrawo i Sprawiedliwość
FranceHAYERValérieRenew Europe GroupNo party memb.La République en marche
PolandOLBRYCHTJanEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPlatforma Obywatelska
PolandPORĘBATomasz PiotrECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesPrawo i Sprawiedliwość
PolandRAFALSKAElżbietaECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesPrawo i Sprawiedliwość
PolandRZOŃCABogdanECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesPrawo i Sprawiedliwość
PolandSARYUSZ-WOLSKIJacekECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesPrawo i Sprawiedliwość
PolandSIKORSKIRadosławEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPlatforma Obywatelska
FranceKARLESKINDPierreRenew Europe GroupNo party memb.La République en marche
PolandSZYDŁOBeataECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesPrawo i Sprawiedliwość
FranceKELLERFabienneRenew Europe GroupNo party memb.Agir - La Droite constructive
PolandTHUN UND HOHENSTEINRóżaEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPlatforma Obywatelska
PolandTOBISZOWSKIGrzegorzECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesPrawo i Sprawiedliwość
PolandWASZCZYKOWSKIWitold JanECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesPrawo i Sprawiedliwość
PolandWIŚNIEWSKAJadwigaECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesPrawo i Sprawiedliwość
PolandZALEWSKAAnnaECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesPrawo i Sprawiedliwość
PolandZŁOTOWSKIKosmaECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesPrawo i Sprawiedliwość
PortugalAMAROÁlvaroEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPartido Social Democrata
PortugalCARVALHAISIsabelPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartido Socialista
PortugalCERDASSaraPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartido Socialista
Portugalda Graça CARVALHOMariaEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPartido Social Democrata
PortugalFERNANDESJosé ManuelEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPartido Social Democrata
FranceLOISEAUNathalieRenew Europe GroupNo party memb.Liste Renaissance
PortugalGUERREIROFranciscoEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesIndependente
PortugalGUSMÃOJoséPELGroup of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftYesBloco de Esquerda
PortugalLEITÃO-MARQUESMaria-ManuelPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartido Socialista
PortugalMARQUESMargaridaPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartido Socialista
PortugalMARQUESPedroPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartido Socialista
PortugalMATIASMarisaPELGroup of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftYesBloco de Esquerda
PortugalMELONunoEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPartido do Centro Democrático Social-Partido Popular
PortugalMONTEIRO DE AGUIARCláudiaEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPartido Social Democrata
FranceSÉJOURNÉStéphaneRenew Europe GroupNo party memb.La République en marche
PortugalPEREIRALídiaEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPartido Social Democrata
PortugalPIZARROManuelPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartido Socialista
PortugalRANGELPauloEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPartido Social Democrata
PortugalSANTOSIsabelPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartido Socialista
PortugalSILVA PEREIRAPedroPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartido Socialista
PortugalZORRINHOCarlosPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartido Socialista
FranceTOLLERETIrèneRenew Europe GroupNo party memb.Liste Renaissance
RomaniaAVRAMCarmenPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartidul Social Democrat
RomaniaBĂSESCUTraianEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPartidul Mișcarea Populară
RomaniaBENEAAdrian-DragoşPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartidul Social Democrat
RomaniaBLAGAVasileEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPartidul Naţional Liberal
RomaniaBOGDANIoan-RareşEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPartidul Naţional Liberal
RomaniaBOTOŞVlad-MariusALDERenew Europe GroupYesUniunea Salvați România
RomaniaBUDADanielEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPartidul Naţional Liberal
RomaniaBUŞOICristian-SilviuEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPartidul Naţional Liberal
RomaniaCIOLOŞDacianALDERenew Europe GroupYesPartidul Libertate, Unitate și Solidaritate
RomaniaCIUHODARUTudorPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartidul Social Democrat
FranceTRILLET-LENOIRVéroniqueRenew Europe GroupNo party memb.Liste Renaissance
RomaniaFALCĂGheorgheEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPartidul Naţional Liberal
RomaniaGHINEACristianALDERenew Europe GroupYesUSR-PLUS
RomaniaGRAPINIMariaPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartidul Puterii Umaniste
RomaniaHAVAMircea-GheorgheEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPartidul Naţional Liberal
RomaniaMANDAClaudiuPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartidul Social Democrat
RomaniaMARINESCUMarian-JeanEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPartidul Naţional Liberal
RomaniaMOTREANUDan-ŞtefanEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPartidul Naţional Liberal
RomaniaMUREŞANSiegfriedEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPartidul Naţional Liberal
RomaniaNEGRESCUVictorPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartidul Social Democrat
RomaniaNICADanPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartidul Social Democrat
RomaniaNISTORGheorghe-VladEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPartidul Naţional Liberal
RomaniaPÎSLARUDragoșALDERenew Europe GroupYesPartidul Libertate, Unitate și Solidaritate
RomaniaPLUMBRovanaPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartidul Social Democrat
RomaniaŞTEFĂNUȚĂNicolaeALDERenew Europe GroupYesUniunea Salvați România
RomaniaSTRUGARIURamonaALDERenew Europe GroupYesPartidul Libertate, Unitate și Solidaritate
FranceYON-COURTINStéphanieRenew Europe GroupNo party memb.Liste Renaissance
RomaniaTOMACEugenEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPartidul Mișcarea Populară
RomaniaTUDORACHEDragoşALDERenew Europe GroupYesPartidul Libertate, Unitate și Solidaritate
RomaniaTUDOSEMihaiPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartidul Social Democrat
RomaniaVINCZELorántEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesUniunea Democrată Maghiară din România
RomaniaWINKLERIuliuEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesUniunea Democrată Maghiară din România
SlovakiaBEŇOVÁMonikaPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSMER-Sociálna demokracia
SlovakiaBILČÍKVladimírEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesSPOLU – občianska demokracia
SlovakiaČÍŽMiroslavPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSMER-Sociálna demokracia
SlovakiaĎURIŠ NICHOLSONOVÁLuciaECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesSloboda a Solidarita
FranceZACHAROPOULOUChrysoulaRenew Europe GroupNo party memb.La République en marche
SlovakiaHOJSÍKMartinALDERenew Europe GroupYesProgresívne Slovensko
SlovakiaJURZYCAEugenECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesSloboda a Solidarita
SlovakiaLEXMANNMiriamEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesKresťanskodemokratické hnutie
SlovakiaPOLLÁKPeterEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesObyčajní ľudia a nezávislé osobnosti
SlovakiaRADAČOVSKÝMiroslavNon-attached MembersNon-attachedIndependent
SlovakiaŠIMEČKAMichalALDERenew Europe GroupYesProgresívne Slovensko
SlovakiaŠTEFANECIvanEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesKresťanskodemokratické hnutie
SlovakiaUHRÍKMilanNon-attached MembersNon-attachedKotleba – Ľudová strana Naše Slovensko
SlovakiaWIEZIKMichalEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesSPOLU – občianska demokracia
SloveniaBOGOVIČFrancEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesSlovenska ljudska stranka
SloveniaBRGLEZMilanPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSocialni demokrati
SloveniaFAJONTanjaPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesSocialni demokrati
SloveniaGROŠELJKlemenALDERenew Europe GroupYesLista Marjana Šarca
SloveniaJOVEVAIrenaALDERenew Europe GroupYesLista Marjana Šarca
SloveniaNOVAKLjudmilaEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesNova Slovenija – Krščanski demokrati
SloveniaTOMCRomanaEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesSlovenska demokratska stranka
SloveniaZVERMilanEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesSlovenska demokratska stranka
SpainAGUILARMazalyECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesVOX
SpainAGUILERAClaraPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartido Socialista Obrero Español
SpainARIAS ECHEVERRÍAPabloEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPartido Popular
IrelandANDREWSBarryRenew Europe GroupNo party memb.Fianna Fáil Party
SpainBAUZÁ DÍAZJosé RamónALDERenew Europe GroupYesCiudadanos – Partido de la Ciudadanía
SpainBENJUMEA BENJUMEAIsabelEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPartido Popular
SpainBILBAO BARANDICAIzaskunEDPRenew Europe GroupYesPartido Nacionalista Vasco
SpainBUXADÉ VILLALBAJorgeECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesVOX
SpainCAÑASJordiALDERenew Europe GroupYesCiudadanos – Partido de la Ciudadanía
SpainCOMÍN I OLIVERESAntoniNon-attached MembersNon-attachedJunts per Catalunya - Lliures per Europa
ItalyDANTINicolaRenew Europe GroupNo party memb.Italia Viva
Spaindel CASTILLO VERAPilarEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPartido Popular
SpainDURÁ FERRANDISEstrellaPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartido Socialista Obrero Español
SpainESTARÀS FERRAGUTRosaEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPartido Popular
SpainFERNÁNDEZJonásPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartido Socialista Obrero Español
SpainGÁLVEZ MUÑOZLinaPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartido Socialista Obrero Español
SpainGARCÍA DEL BLANCOIbánPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartido Socialista Obrero Español
SpainGARCÍA MUÑOZIsabelPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartido Socialista Obrero Español
SpainGARCÍA PÉREZIratxePESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartido Socialista Obrero Español
SpainGARCÍA-MARGALLO Y MARFILJosé ManuelEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPartido Popular
SpainGARDIAZABAL RUBIALEiderPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartido Socialista Obrero Español
SpainGARICANOLuisALDERenew Europe GroupYesCiudadanos – Partido de la Ciudadanía
SpainGONZÁLEZMónica SilvanaPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartido Socialista Obrero Español
SpainGONZÁLEZ CASARESNicolásPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartido Socialista Obrero Español
SpainGONZÁLEZ PONSEstebanEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPartido Popular
SpainHOMS GINELAliciaPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartido Socialista Obrero Español
SpainLÓPEZJaviPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartit dels Socialistes de Catalunya
SpainLÓPEZ AGUILARJuan FernandoPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartido Socialista Obrero Español
SpainLÓPEZ GILLeopoldoEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPartido Popular
SpainLÓPEZ-ISTÚRIZ WHITEAntonioEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPartido Popular
SpainLUENACésarPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartido Socialista Obrero Español
SpainMAESTRE MARTÍN DE ALMAGROCristinaPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartido Socialista Obrero Español
SpainMALDONADO LÓPEZAdrianaPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartido Socialista Obrero Español
SpainMATOGabrielEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPartido Popular
SpainMILLÁN MONFrancisco JoséEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPartido Popular
SpainMONTSERRATDolorsEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPartido Popular
SpainMORENO SÁNCHEZJavierPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartido Socialista Obrero Español
NetherlandsGROOTHUISBartRenew Europe GroupNo party memb.Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie
SpainPAGAZAURTUNDÚAMaiteALDERenew Europe GroupYesDelegación Ciudadanos Europeos
SpainPINEDAManuPELGroup of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftYesIzquierda Unida
SpainPONSATÍ OBIOLSClaraNon-attached MembersNon-attachedJunts per Catalunya - Lliures per Europa
SpainPUIGDEMONT I CASAMAJÓCarlesNon-attached MembersNon-attachedJunts per Catalunya - Lliures per Europa
SpainREGOSiraPELGroup of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftYesIzquierda Unida
SpainRIBA I GINERDianaEFAGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesEsquerra Republicana de Catalunya
SpainRODRÍGUEZ PALOPEugeniaPELGroup of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftYesPODEMOS
SpainRODRÍGUEZ RAMOSMaría SorayaALDERenew Europe GroupYesCiudadanos – Partido de la Ciudadanía
SpainRODRÍGUEZ-PIÑEROInmaPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartido Socialista Obrero Español
SpainROS SEMPEREMarcosPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartido Socialista Obrero Español
SpainRUIZ DEVESADomènecPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartido Socialista Obrero Español
SpainSÁNCHEZ AMORNachoPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesPartido Socialista Obrero Español
SpainSOLÉJordiEFAGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesEsquerra Republicana de Catalunya
SpainSOLÍS PÉREZSusanaALDERenew Europe GroupYesCiudadanos – Partido de la Ciudadanía
SpainTERTSCHHermannECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesVOX
SpainURBÁN CRESPOMiguelPELGroup of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftYesANTICAPITALISTAS
SpainURTASUNErnestEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesCatalunya en Comú
RomaniaARMANDClotildeRenew Europe GroupNo party memb.Uniunea Salvați România
SpainVILLANUEVA RUIZIdoiaPELGroup of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftYesPODEMOS
SpainZARZALEJOSJavierEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPartido Popular
SpainZOIDO ÁLVAREZJuan IgnacioEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesPartido Popular
SwedenAL-SAHLANIAbirALDERenew Europe GroupYesCenterpartiet
SwedenBERGKVISTErikPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesArbetarepartiet- Socialdemokraterna
SpainNARTJavierRenew Europe GroupNo party memb.Independiente
SwedenDALUNDEJakop G.EGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesMiljöpartiet de gröna
SwedenDANIELSSONJohanPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesArbetarepartiet- Socialdemokraterna
SwedenFEDERLEYFredrickALDERenew Europe GroupYesCenterpartiet
SwedenFRITZONHelénePESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesArbetarepartiet- Socialdemokraterna
SwedenGUTELANDJyttePESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesArbetarepartiet- Socialdemokraterna
SwedenHOLMGRENPärEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesMiljöpartiet de gröna
SwedenINCIREvinPESGroup of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European ParliamentYesArbetarepartiet- Socialdemokraterna
SwedenKARLSBROKarinALDERenew Europe GroupYesLiberalerna
SwedenKOKALARIArbaEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesModeraterna
SwedenKUHNKEAliceEGPGroup of the Greens/European Free AllianceYesMiljöpartiet de gröna
SwedenLEGADavidEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesKristdemokraterna
SpainVÁZQUEZ LÁZARAAdriánRenew Europe GroupNo party memb.Ciudadanos – Partido de la Ciudadanía
SwedenPOLFJÄRDJessicaEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesModeraterna
SwedenSKYTTEDALSaraEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesKristdemokraterna
SwedenSTEGRUDJessicaECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesSverigedemokraterna
SwedenTOBÉTomasEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesModeraterna
SwedenWARBORNJörgenEPPGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)YesModeraterna
SwedenWEIMERSCharlieECREuropean Conservatives and Reformists GroupYesSverigedemokraterna

Sources (accessed October 2020)

EPP – (10.02.20)
PES – (17.02.20)
ALDE – 013ecc6a-197e-49dd-991b-26f3d2ea4600/2020_02_17_ALDE_List_of_MEPs_following_Brexit.pdf (17.02.20)
EDP – (10.02.20)
ID – (07.10.20)
EGP – (13.06.20)
EFA – (30.07.20)
ECR – (09.12.19)
ECPM – (19.02.20)
PEL – (11.02.20)