APPF Website - European political parties - short 2

Failure of the APPF to abide by its transparency requirements

The Authority for European Political Parties and European Political Foundations appears not to comply with its transparency obligations stemming from Article 32 of Regulation 1141/2014 on the statute and funding of European political parties and European political foundations. This review highlights the accomplishments and shortcomings of the APPF regarding its transparency requirements. We hope it proves useful to you in enacting the necessary measures to meet the provisions of Regulation 1141/2014.

Not transnational lists, transnational parties

Not transnational lists, transnational parties

Transnational lists have emerged as a regular talking point. Yet, what may seem like a no-nonsense way to promote a “more European” Europe is, upon closer examination, unlikely to make our elections and politics more integrated, and completely foreign to the workings of federal systems. The ills it seeks to remedy are real, but the solution lies elsewhere.
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